get ready to reset your mindset - and refresh your goals!

Disappointed that the year is halfway over and you haven't made great progress on your resolutions??

Trust me, you're NOT alone—it's time for a Resolution Reset! Join us next month for a game-changing workshop that will have you saying "Hello, goals!" and "Goodbye, procrastination!" At our Resolution Reset mid-year goal-setting workshop, we’re all about hitting that refresh button. 

Think of it as a spa day for your goals—complete with a mindset makeover and a fresh burst of motivation! You don’t have to abandon those well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions just because life got in the way…sometimes all you need is a little reset to refocus and get back on track!

So, whether you promised yourself you'd hit the gym more, start that side hustle, or finally organize your closet (we see you, clutter!), this workshop is your golden ticket for your resolution solution! 

Come ready to laugh, learn, and leave with a plan that’ll make the second half of the year your best yet. Let's crush those goals together and prove that progress can happen anytime—not just on January 1st! 

Register today, mark your calendars, and get ready to reset, refresh, and refocus!


Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm EST

Tickets: $44 $22

Online: Zoom

Access to the replay will also be available if you can't attend live!

Meet Melyssa

Melyssa Allen, MA, NBC-HWC, DipACLM, is a double-board certified lifestyle medicine professional and health/wellness coach with over 15 years of experience in behavior modification. She received her Bachelors in both Biology and Psychology, along with her Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Central Florida (Go Knights, Charge On!). Author and podcast host of Healthy Living Doesn’t Have to SUCK, Melyssa's approach combines lifestyle medicine, positive psychology, and acceptance and commitment coaching to guide individuals, companies, and communities towards lasting positive health habits. 

As the founder of Melyssa with a WHY, LLC, she is a multipassionate entrepreneur dedicated to inspiring global positive lifestyle transformations. Her book empowers "Change Makers" to overcome challenges to behavior change through interactive exercises and goal planning. Through energy-filled speaker sessions, her community of readers and listeners, and supportive coaching experiences, Melyssa Allen strives to make a global impact by encouraging the adoption of health promoting behaviors to achieve lifestyle changes that last!

You don't have to abandon your New Year's Resolutions…

Sometimes we just need a little reset to refocus on our goals!